iHeadache MD Security

Overview of iHeadache MD > Security

We are in business of partnering with our users to more easily gather their headache data and allow them to share it with you, their provider. This data allows you to optimize their headache care. We are not your business partner. Our focus is on the iHeadache user.

Our goal is to provide all iHeadache products to users are no charge, therefore our users see appropriate advertising from our sponsors.

When physicians or healthcare professionals register for iHeadache MD, their credentials are verified prior to granting access. An iHeadache user must designate their provider(s) in their preferences for you to view their data.

For user security, all data transfers to and from the database use industry standard web encryption. 




(BDL2 insert screen shot of how patient's select providers and how providers accept them. Make graphic with arrows that show how it works)

  • DocumentationImprove Your Documentation

    Insurance payers are wanting detailed documentation before they will approve procedures and medications. iHeadache MD makes it easy for you to generate data to justify costs.

  • optimize careOptimize Patient Care

    iHeadache's report & dashboard make it easy for you to see which acute and preventative treatments are working and which aren't; so that you can individually customize the patient's treatment plan.

  • save timeSave Time

    Reports from iHeadache give you a snapshot of the patient's disability, medication usage, treatment effectiveness and pain. This gives you more time to talk with the patient or see additional patients.